The Eckleburg Project

Texas A&M's Official Literary Journal

The Eckleburg Project is the official undergraduate literary journal of Texas A&M University. We are an undergraduate organization featuring student poetry, prose, and art. Now with thirteen issues under our belt, we started with the idea that art should be free and easily accessible to the community.

Our staff is composed of undergraduate students and editors who select pieces to be published semesterly under a process of blind review. For information on how to join, go to our apply page. For information on how to submit, go to our submissions page. For general inquiries, or just to say hello, contact our organizational email at

As always, we thank you for your support as we continue to foster art here at Texas A&M.

Unbound by Lochan Mourty

It starts out as a warm and pleasant feeling.

A soft white light is flipped on

Its gentle rays casting over your skin

As you accomplish the first amazing task,

Making all eyes turn to you.

Right away they see you

Not for who you are in person, but on paper

A record of greatness, a spark of talent

And they turn to you, their target locked.

At first, when they pull you in

It is a warm and comforting hug

A welcome to the world of the greatest

The ones who rise up above all.

Your brilliance is lauded,

Your many talents admired

The adored pet of the classroom

The favorite sibling of the house. 

But then the rose-tinted glass

Falls to the floor and s  h   a    t     t    e   r  s

As the expectations are set

And the walls close in.

The pace will pick up,

But, as you always have,

You will be expected to know what to do

And how to do it to perfection.

No one is there to hold your hand

Because why can’t you walk on your own?

No one will show you the way

Because shouldn’t you already know?

Suddenly, you’re not the best

Your image is destroyed

Disappointed faces and pitying words

Crowd around in your mind.

You struggle, gasping for air

As the pressure rises to meet you

Squeezing the breath out of your lungs

With an unflinching grip.

Those who were geniuses to begin with

And those who have no issue in getting help

Will coast on through their lives

Unbound by first impressions, free to live

While you are left straining

Struggling to squeeze into the shell

That everyone around you

Expected you to fit into with ease. 

You are no longer the pet

For there is nothing in you worth noticing.

You are no longer the gifted

For you have long since been overshadowed.

You may still be regarded as the favorite

But you know you aren’t fit for that role

Because the person who earned you that title

Is now but a discarded husk...

The only turning point for you

Is the moment that you realize

That since you don’t fit your former molds anyway

You might as well cast them all aside.

It becomes time to let yourself breathe

To hold your own hand

To nurse your own wounds

And embrace your flaws. 

Now you get to throw caution to the wind

Undo the restraints that left scars on your body

Break away from every stereotype

And forge a separate path from all the others.

You have to work harder

You have to change your view of yourself

Of your environment, of your world

You have to shake away from the burdens placed on you

And decide for yourself who you want to be

And what people should know about you

And what you truly stand for as a person.

Because only once you are able to do this

Will you be able to break through the chains

And live the rest of your life


© Texas A&M The Eckleburg Project, 2023